elegant collage

Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

“You have to look at how chemistry develops.”

-Tim Hardaway

The Chemistry department is one of the flourishing departments of The Elegant Arts and Science College. Department of chemistry was established in the year 2015.The programme includes Chemistry as Major subject ,other courses such as AEC,MDC,VAC,SEC and different minor courses.The laboratory is fully equipped with chemicals and instruments required to carry out practical experiments.The Department offers a vibrant atmosphere to students and faculty to nurture the spirit of scientific inquiry and a highly encouraging environment.

About the Course

B.Sc.Chemistry Honours is a 4 year UG programme with eight semesters that follows the syllabus designed by University of Calicut under Four Year Under Graduate Program (FYUGP) for undergraduate curriculum. Along with the Major course in CHEMISTRY, the programme also considers three pathways which includes i)Three year UG programme(Minimum 133 credit). ii)Four year UG honours programme(minimum 177 credits) iii) Four year UG honours with research programme(minimum 177 credit). The course also includes Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) ,Multi-Disciplinary Courses (MDC) ,Value-added Courses (VAC) ,Skill Enhancement courses (SEC) and different Minor Courses . The 7th and 8th semesters solely concentrated on BSc Honours degree program and Research .The detailed syllabus of the course is available on the official website of university of Calicut.


Delivering a good quality education with an aim of producing potential chemists with professional competence and moulding a true citizen. The department inculcates scientific temper and impacts scientific attitude and innovative science education. The department also ensures fully equipped education with technology enhanced teaching and rich lab facilities.


  • To educate the students for research to meet the global environment issues through chemical education.
  • To maintain a department that is regarded as equal to any in terms of its relevance of teaching and learning, its quality of support and facilities and the learning opportunities and working experience it offers.
  • To support the developmental activities of the College and make the Department vibrant. Enhance services to the community
  • Students are expected to obtain a broad understanding of chemistry and learn to think critically and communicate effectively in oral and written forms.

Faculty Members

Praveena P
C S Githika
Haritha K
Archana P S